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Registration of new episode of ALI and ILI and acute diarrhea
(This question is mandatory)
GP code
(This question is mandatory)
Startdate of registration week (monday)
Open date/time selector
(This question is mandatory)
Activity code
(This question is mandatory)

How is your workload at present with caring for patients with (all) acute respiratory infections?

(This question is mandatory)
Cases of ALI this week?
Number of cases ALI
(This question is mandatory)
Cases of ILI this week?

Number of cases ILI

< 1 year
1 - 4 year
5 - 14 year
15 - 19 year
20 - 64 year
65 - 84 year
>= 85 year
Acute diarrhea
(This question is mandatory)
Cases of acute diarrhea this week?
Number of cases acute diarrhea
< 1 year
1 - 4 year
5 - 14 year
15 - 19 year
20 - 64 year
65 - 84 year
>= 85 year